The law firm provides services based on core principles of legal ethics:
1. Independence
We are independent of any influence or pressure and obey only applicable law, international law and professional ethical norms.
2. Trust
Customer trust towards Mikaberidze & Partners is one of the main values and assets of our company. In order to build trust, our services are based on good faith, qualification and professional dignity.
3. Confidentiality
Any information provided by you for the purpose of obtaining legal services is confidential and subject to protection regardless of the time elapsed.
4. Predominance of client interests
Your interests take precedence over and will be placed above all other interests.
5. Impermissible conflict of interest
We do not represent and do not provide professional advice to two or more clients in the same or related matters if there is a conflict of interest between clients' interests or there is a risk of conflict of interest.
Types of Legal Services:
There are certain types of litigation, which require specialized knowledge to ensure the proper protection of your interests as well as the proper implementation of the rights granted by law. Court, arbitral, mediation proceedings should be carried out through a qualified legal representative. In addition, several general types of administrative proceedings in public bodies are envisaged by law and the number of special administrative proceedings are determined by special statutes. Our law firm will provide you with legal assistance and representation in litigation.
Preparation of Legal Documents
Private legal relations differ. Therefore, it is not appropriate to use the same legal document templates in business relations with different natural persons and legal entities. It is crucial to draft legal documents in a proper and qualified manner especially in the event of a dispute between the parties to legal relations. Courts determine the real intention or will of the parties and resolve disputes based on a thorough examination and interpretation of the documents/agreements concluded between them. Document templates do not provide adequate protection of your interests and in each case, it is advisable to draw up individual legal documents.
Legal Advice
Timely and accurate legal advice is an optimal way to prevent and/or minimize expected legal risks and to save on legal costs. Any private and business initiative needs to be studied and analyzed in the relevant legal and legislative context especially in the midst of growing legal regulations. Mikaberidze & Partners will provide you with relevant legal information and advice on issues of your interest.
Legal Compliance
Legal assessments and findings and due diligence represent preconditions of identifying expected risks and planning future actions. In many cases, the subject of legal research is not only legislative space but also specific factual circumstances and documents, the compliance of the latter not only with the existing, regulations but the ones, which were in force at the time of drafting them. Determining legal compliance is a rather complicated and time-consuming intellectual labour-intense process. We offer you our services to determine legal compliance, to draw conclusions and to assess issues of your interest.
Legal Representation
The need for legal representation often arises in the relationship with potential contrahent natural persons and legal entities. In a number of cases, it is reasonable to regulate and document pre-contractual relations. Moreover, it is often necessary to work in a coordinated manner with the other party on certain essential terms of future legal relations. Our law firm will provide you with competent legal representation to deal with your contrahents, partners and potential clients.
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